--Channelise the Passion for Writing, Dancing, Music, Cooking, Stitching, Gardening, ANYTHING..SIMPLY ANYTHING!!!
--Buckle down your footsteps with a commitment & vigor to radiate the Word..Word of Diversity, Daydreams, Voyage, Dedication, Priceless Experience and Eternal Friendship.. :-)
--Squeeze time to express positive things about self, friends, family, relatives, nature..
--Take a Journey of Self-Actualization to allow self to conquer fears, inhibitions, sorrows for evolution of Dreams..long-cherished aspirations!!
--Play your Favourite Musical Instrument..
--Spread a Contagious Spirit for Adventure!!
--Say it out, 'My Dear Writer's Block--I've defeated You!!!'
--Enjoy the Last Mile of Craziness, Madness!!
कल 20/12/2013 को आपकी पोस्ट का लिंक होगा http://nayi-purani-halchal.blogspot.in पर
Thank you Yashwant Jee..!!
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